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Winter Program 2023-2024

The Winter Season holds immense value for the growth of both individual players and the team as a whole. With the variety of indoor and outdoor sessions, we know that our club players can maximize their skills and experience needed to excel. 

Registration is closed.

Indoor Hockey

Within this indoor setting, our players will sharpen their indoor game skills. The focus will be on honing:
  • Elevating stickwork, ensuring an abundance of ball touches.

  • Mastery of the foundational techniques

  • Navigating tighter spaces, honing decision-making abilities and spatial awareness

  • Focusing on goal-scoring strategies, both on and off the ball, while refining positioning, communication, and teamwork to foster excellence.


TCOYO Hockey will be offering playing opportunities for Local and Travel Teams for the 2023-2024 Indoor Season that will run from mid-December - March, finishing with the National Indoor Tournament or National Indoor Festival. We have practice 1-2 nights per week and have local playdays on Saturdays at the Virginia Beach Field House and various travel tournaments to prepare for the NIT and NIF.  If you are currently undecided at this time or have questions, please contact Nicole at

Winter Club Age Groups:
U10: born in 2014 or later
U12: born in 2012-2013
U14: born in 2010-2011
U16: born in 2008-2009
U19: born in 2007 or earlier

Outdoor Hockey

Within this outdoor setting, our players will sharpen their outdoor game skills. The focus will be on honing:
  • Elevating stickwork, ensuring an abundance of ball touches.

  • Mastery of the foundational techniques

  • Elevating their proficiency with advanced skills such as reverse chips, drags, 3D maneuvers, deception.

  • Focusing on goal-scoring strategies, both on and off the ball, while refining positioning, communication, and teamwork to foster excellence.

Outdoor Skill Sessions

Small group training to improve players skills and techniques through a high-tempo, fun, and engaging environment while learning elite level offensive elimination skills, advanced passing and receiving, shooting techniques, and fundamental defense.​​

Monday's at Norfolk Academy
U12 & U14 - 6:00-7:30 pm
U16 & U19 - 7:00 - 8:30 pm



TCOYO Hockey will participate in the Sunshine Showcase in Orlando, FL January 26-28, 2024.

Players are selected to participate in this tournament and will compete against other club teams across the country. During this tournament, we will go to Disney World to strengthen our bonds of friendship create amazing memories.

U14, U16, U19 - 11v11

Register on the Winter Registration Form above

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